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[Employee Care] Sending coolness in the hot summer, the little care delights people's hearts
[ Time:2022-09-22  Number of views:387 ]

In the past few days, Huzhou City has continued to be hot, and the sun is like fire, which has brought great challenges and tests to the construction people of Huzhou LionGo site. LionGo employees and workers were still working in full swing. They were not afraid of the hhot weather, sticked to their postions and work hard.


In order to ensure the safety of the construction site, the workers were fully armed and wearing safety helmets. Although their clothes were soaked with sweat, they still did not relax their safety vigilance.


Send "coolness" to the front line, and send care to your heart. Everywhere, the company's condolence team not only sent condolences to the workers, but also went deep into the construction site to carry out publicity and education on safe operation, heatstroke prevention and emergency knowledge, and urged the workers to adjust their work and rest time reasonably to ensure their health and safety, and construction safety.

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In July, the heat is still going on, and all employees of Huzhou LionGo will continue to do a good job in the normalization of high temperature and epidemic prevention and control and the psychological health counseling of employees. While ensuring the normal operation of the construction site and workplace, ensure safe construction, and provide logistical support for heatstroke prevention and cooling services, so that everyone can feel the "cool summer" sent by LionGo Company.


The "Summer Cooling" activity is an important measure to ensure safe production, heatstroke prevention and cooling in summer, and to ensure the physical and mental health of employees. By sending cool condolences this time, employees can truly feel the comfortable "cool summer" and the care and love of the "LionGo big family".



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